We are pleased to announce our 2024 Scholarship Award recipients:

Military Honors Scholarship

Alexandra Peters

Alexandra is a graduate of Grosse Pointe South High School and will be pursuing a career in Elementary Education at Oakland University. She enjoys spending time with her family, competitive dance and volunteering to assist with fundraisers for cancer and many other important causes.

Erica Surratt

Erica graduated from Bishop Foley Catholic High School and will be attending Central Michigan University. Her chosen career path is in mechanical engineering.  She has volunteered with many organizations within the community as well as during school activities.

Community Action Scholarship

Troy Korns

Troy is pursuing a career in computer science and will be attending Kettering University in the fall. He plans to study cyber security and would like to work within the automotive industry. Troy is a graduate of Lutheran North High School. He volunteered to assist seniors during the pandemic and is a regular volunteer with Feed the Bay.

Bryce Lattimore

Bryce will be attending Saginaw Valley State University this fall pursuing a career in exercise science. Bryce is a graduate of Wylie E. Groves High School. He aspires to become a coach or an athletic trainer. He volunteers with his football team to build playgrounds, mentors young athletes as well as volunteers regularly at his church.

Congratulations to all of these extraordinary individuals. We wish them success in their future careers!

FreeStar Financial Credit Union is proud to award $4,000 to graduating high school seniors! We offer two categories for our scholarships:

Military Honor Scholarship

We appreciate the men and women who defend our country every day. To honor the foundation and beginning of our credit union, the Military Honor Scholarship is awarded to two members of FreeStar Financial whose parents (one or both) are active military, reserve or veterans. Two $1,000 scholarships are available.

Community Action Scholarship

As a credit union founded on the principles of “people helping people”, we want to help provide educational assistance to members who are active volunteers in the community. Our young members who take the time to assist the community and non-profit, charitable organizations are eligible for this financial award. Two $1,000 scholarships are available.

Requirements for Applicants

  • Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 or better.
  • Students must be accepted to a qualified educational institution.
  • Must have an active account with good standing with the credit union.
  • Proof of military affiliation is required to apply for the Military Honor Scholarship.

Required Documents

  • Resumé
  • High School Transcript
  • Essay detailing highlights of applicant's achievements and community involvement
  • Letter(s) of Recommendation

Applications for 2025

Applications are now being accepted for the 2025 scholarships.

* Required Fields
Are you a member of FreeStar Financial?
Will you be graduating High School in 2025?
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