Jan. 24, FreeStar Financial Credit Union hosts free Adulting Training
FreeStar Financial Credit Union hosts free Adulting Training
Jan. 24, 2019 – FreeStar Financial Credit Union presents “Adulting” at the Shelby Township Community Center Saturday, Feb. 9, from 9:45-11:30 a.m. to provide high school students and young adults with answers to many questions including, “How will I be able to do life after high school or college?”
The credit union hosts similar sessions at high schools reaching over 600 students annually since 2014. The interactive session pairs students to make buying decisions together on transportation, a home, child care, and more. Along the way, participants will encounter the Fickle Finger of Fate, either a small windfall or an unexpected expense like a traffic ticket or cracked cell phone. Students are required to track their income and expenses and care for a virtual child throughout the process.
“We are hosting this event on a Saturday so that students who may not be able to fit a business class into their high school class schedule can benefit from the financial education we provide,” said Laurie Cafagna, marketing specialist. “Feedback has been very positive to the program. Students quickly realize how expensive everyday needs and wants can be and why a budget is necessary.”
Other topics included in the Adulting session include understanding the difference between a debit and credit card, establishing credit, staying out of debt, paying off student loan debt, and more. Students will take home a Credit Union National Association (CUNA) booklet with additional information to aid them in planning for life after high school or college. The Adulting session will include refreshments, a Kahoot! challenge and chances to win prizes.
The Adulting session will be held at the Shelby Township Community Center at 51670 Van Dyke Avenue, north of 23 Mile Road. Register at https://www.freestarfinancial.com/adulting. For more information, contact Paula Rose, vice president of marketing, at 586-466-7806.
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