January is Financial Wellness Month


January is Financial Wellness Month

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Ringing in the new year can mean different things to many people. Sometimes it’s working on your health both physically and mentally and for others it may be time to review your budget and check up on your finances. January is the perfect time to assess your income, bills, and consider making a budget.

You may have heard the term, “financial literacy” but you maybe uncertain to what this means. Financial literacy means you have the knowledge to make informed financial decisions. It is important to know about your personal finances because making a mistake can cost you in the long run. Whether it be forgetting to make a payment causing a late fee, or simply losing track of your cash flow coming in and out.

Being knowledgeable about banking terms and knowing the meaning can really help. For example, learning what a checking and savings account as well as other products such as loans, rates, credit score, credit card and debit cards. These types of products can be very helpful when trying to be financially educated. If you have questions, don’t be afraid to talk with a credit union representative. Set your goals and be debt free in ’23!



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